Praying First Thing In The Morning

Prayer is a very personal and deep thing. There's no formula or order to it, it's just you speaking to your Father in whatever way you do. He made you and knows and loves all your 'isms', so He gladly takes you just as you are, and understands you better than even you do.

I'm not talking about those short fleeting prayers you say under your breath when you're worried about something or hoping for something, which by the way are still very powerful, because i believe they can save a life, or prevent a tragedy from happening in an instant, but i'm talking specifically about those quiet, clam, deep-reaching prayer sessions. Those life-enriching conversations with God. I can't describe what it feels like to just sit in His presence, but there is nothing like it.

You might just sit in silence reflecting, listen to worship music, read the word, or write letters to God. It doesn't matter what you do, it's just simply taking the time to spend a moment with Him.

You can pray at any time in any place, but i know for a fact that praying at the very beginning of your day, before you do anything else (check your messages, emails, instagram...i mean anything) can set your day up. Praying or spending time with God first thing in the morning means starting your day on the right foot and on an absolutely positive note. It means giving the day ahead over to God, and He's in control. That's so powerful and amazing if you think about it for a moment...

You've given everything that may happen, everything you'll do, everywhere you'll go, everyone you'll meet, over to the most powerful being in existence. The One who created it all, The Almighty. The One whose single breath can crush the world in an instant.

He goes before you, He's got your back, and walks beside you always. He'll protect you like an entire army never could, He'll move mountains for you because He can and because He loves you like no one ever will, and wants only the best for you.

Praying first thing in the morning also means if you're working on something, be it at work, or health-wise, He gives you all the grace and strength you need for everyday, and you'll accomplish so much more, and do so much better because your day is pegged on Him, and leaning on all He has to give you for that day.

That's the power of starting your day with God. That's the power of starting your day with prayer.

Then at the end of the day, don't forget to say thank you for all that did and didn't happen in your day. It's only polite. And if you've never prayed before I'd just encourage you to give it a try, you have everything good to gain from it, and nothing to lose. And do it whatever way you're comfortable doing so. It's just between you and God.

Lots of Love, Mel


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