
I hope you dream.

I hope you want bigger and better for yourself every day.

I hope you wake up excited every morning for what's to come.

I hope your soul is on fire with ambition and hope, driven by passion.

I hope you prepare yourself.

I hope you work towards that dream, one step closer every day.

I hope you live it, even before you can see it.

I hope you guard it. Keep it close to your heart and locked in prayer, til its time.

I hope you achieve it, and revere it always for all it took to get there.


Dare To Dream

Dreams are what give us 'life'. They give us that drive and excitement for achievement.

They are what God puts on our hearts, to give us some sort of compass, if you will, of where we are headed and what we are about. .. a nudge towards your purpose.

Your dreams ought to be big!

Dreams are limitless, so don't create your own restrictions where there needn't be any. They are yours to direct any which way you please without any influence. Have that childlike imagination about them, and dream big! Aim high.

Your dreams are absolutely valid. 

Even if it seems like they're so far from your reality right now, or you feel silly for even thinking you could achieve them. You can do anything your heart desires if you're willing to put in the time and effort.

Keep them close to your heart.

You don't have to talk to everyone, or anyone, about your ambitions until you're in a space where you're sure of what you want, and are willing to put up with anything, including criticism towards them, and still be strong enough to stand your ground and not let them be shut down by others' opinions.

Work towards them.

Get started! You need to get moving and do what you can towards realizing them. They won't just walk out of your mind and manifest. YOU have to make it happen. And you can. Use what you have and whatever you can get your hands on. There are no excuses. You have to start somewhere to go places.

Speak on them in faith and a positive light.

Your words are very powerful and affect your attitude and outlook towards everything and anything, so watch what you say. Speak positively on what you aspire to do. Faith is the only thing that will see you through. Believing absolutely in what you want to achieve, and pushing past failure, barriers, and your insecurities.

Keep them alive.

Stay inspired. Create an environment in which you are constantly excited about the things you are passionate about, by reading, listening, and watching what inspired you in the first place. Just something, anything, that takes your mind there and reignites that spark. It's too easy to get caught up in your daily cycle and forget. Channel your thoughts, and always stay focused on your end goal.

Dreams and aspirations are such beautiful and spiritual things to have. Don't take them for granted. And always consider how unfortunate it would be to not have, at the very least,  attempted to achieve them before your time is up.

What do we live for?

Lots of Love,
