Golden Time

It's a Friday, my day off mummy duty. When i kick back, do my hair, my nails, watch movies... i love this day. My son's typically at one of his grandmothers' homes on these days, so i'm at peace knowing he's somewhere safe with loved ones and having a blast in their gardens, running a muck.

This is something i absolutely need in my week and it keeps me sane! It's a day I can be myself again, carefree, no cooking, cleaning up, just me, myself and i, alone at home (even my poor husband who works from home is given the boot ). I don't schedule any work or meet ups with friends on Fridays. It's MY day. Sounds selfish i know, but totally necessary. The weeks i go without it i'm noticeably more irritable and tired the rest of the week. And Robert (my husband) gets his hand bitten off more often than necessary.

Do you have 'golden time' for yourself? If not, you should! Spend it doing what you love just for yourself. As a mum you work so hard. There is nothing in this world as important and difficult as being a mum and running a household. You are the center of your home and you do your best to keep everything going. You need to reward yourself for it, and it's important to keep in mind you're not a machine. You need downtime to just rest and get yourself together again, before going through another day or week giving so much of yourself to your family as you always do.

It can be different things to different people. It might be just a morning that you need, or a couple of hours. Others need 2 mornings or afternoons in the week... Whatever works for you, or whatever you can squeeze in, just do it. Especially if you have little ones. Wouldn't it be nice to sit on the loo in peace without a tiny person trying to come round and see what you're up to, or screaming at the door?I love how we all go through the same insane situations with our kids. Just part of being a mum!

However long works for you, you need and deserve that time. So treat yourself! You are amazing at what you do, and you are so important to those around you, so take care of yourself so you can be in it and enjoy your life and family fully.

Lots of Love, Mel


  1. Preach!! This is so necessary however not as easy as it sounds. I'm a working mum - Mon to Fri - so me taking a Saturday to myself seems kinda selfish as Saturday and Sunday are my only two days with my baby. Will this guilt ever go away?! Working mum dilemma

  2. I always plan to have some 'ME' time...but it is rare- same as Sheba above...working full time makes it a bit hard but this post has inspired me to find some time for may not be a full day but even a few hours is better than nothing for a start. Keep it up Mel. Luce.
